Tesoro Master Mutual Water Company (TVMMWC) / California Water Service (Cal Water) Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP)
The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Order No. 2006-003, for wastewater collection systems. The WDR requires all enrollees to develop a SSMP and make it available to the public, to the SWRCB, and the Regional Water Control Board (RWQCB).
The purpose of the SSMP is to minimize the frequency and severity of Sanitary Sewer Overflows.
The SSMP must be audited at least every two (2) years and updated every five (5) years from the original adoption date by the Enrollee’s governing board. All federal and state agencies, municipalities, counties, districts, and other public entities that own or operate sanitary sewer systems with piping greater than one mile in length are required to comply with the WDRs.
The Order includes eleven (11) mandatory elements that must be addressed in the SSMP. The SSMP elements describe the activities the TVMMWC / Cal Water will employ to manage, operate, and maintain the wastewater collection system effectively.
The below documents constitute the entirety of the TVMMWC / Cal Water SSMP.
- TVMMWC – Cal Water SSMP 2023-06-02
- SSMP Appendix 2.1 – SSMP Responsible Personnel – Organization Chart
- SSMP Appendix 2.1 – SSMP Responsible Personnel – SSMP Element Responsible Personnel
- SSMP Appendix 4.1 120024-Fig 01-SD revised 20.0804
- SSMP Appendix 4.1 120024-Fig 04-Sanitary Sewer-Phasing revised 20.0804
- SSMP Appendix 4.1 Storm Drain System Map
- SSMP Appendix 4.2 Basin Cleaning
- SSMP Appendix 4.2 Enhanced Cleaning
- SSMP Appendix 5.1 Design-Standards
- SSMP Appendix 5.1 Standard-Plans
- SSMP Appendix 5.1 Standard-Specifications
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Spill Emergency Response Plan (SERP) (Main Document)
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment A – SERP Contact Directory
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment B – Spill Reporting and Volume Estimation
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment C – Spill Response Contingency Equipment
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment D – Spill Cleanup SOP
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment E – CVWQCB 201805
- SSMP Appendix 6.1 Attachment E – Water Quality Monitoring Program Plan
- SSMP Appendix 7.1 FOG Inspection Report Example
- SSMP Appendix 9.1 KPI Benchmarking
- SSMP Appendix 9.2 SSMP Change Log