Installing above-ground water main in Seaview

Summary: We will install above-ground water pipes in a portion of Seaview.

Current status: Phase 1 completed January 12, 2024. Additional main being installed, with the new main on Exultant put into service Sept. 4.

Updated Sept. 4, 2024:

Crews will tie in the additional above-ground water main recently constructed on Exultant today.

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Updated Jan. 12, 2024:

Installation of water main in all three sections is now complete, with pressure and water quality testing finished and the final tie-ins on Exultant Drive completed this morning.

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Arial photograph showing water main location

(click photo for larger view)

Updated Nov. 14, 2023

Alignment updated.

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Updated Nov. 2, 2023:

The field walk with neighbors was held on November 1, and crews are planning to begin installation of about 800 feet of water main along Dauntless Drive, crossing Exultant Drive, and on a portion of Admirable Drive the week of November 6.

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Originally posted Oct. 4, 2023:

Our engineering team has designed a temporary, above-ground piping solution in part of the Seaview neighborhood to reduce the likelihood of future water main leaks, and we plan to install this in the near future. Pending approvals, receipt of materials, and the field meeting, we anticipate beginning installation in early November.

We are currently focusing on an area that has experienced the most leaks; however, we are still evaluating solutions for the rest of the neighborhood.