Cal Water news release

Nine Straight Months of Water Savings

Drop of waterEven with a wet start to the year, Cal Water customers reached water savings of 9.5% in January compared to January 2020, with five districts saving more than 15%. This marked nine consecutive months of water savings.

“There are fewer opportunities to achieve significant conservation during the wetter winter months, but we want to thank our customers for stepping up and continuing to use water wisely,” said Martin A. Kropelnicki, President and CEO. “They continue to prove conservation is a necessary way of life in California, even when we have more precipitation.”

The five Cal Water districts that surpassed 15% in water-use reductions are:

  • Dominguez, saving 17.9%
  • Los Altos, saving 15.2%
  • Palos Verdes, saving 35.4%
  • Selma, saving 28.4%
  • Westlake, saving 47.8%

Previously, Cal Water customers throughout the state reduced their water use by the following:

  • May: 6.5%
  • June: 11.6%
  • July: 12.4%
  • August: 12.3%
  • September: 10.6%
  • October: 12.1%
  • November: 13.6%
  • December: 16.5%

Conservation savings for all Cal Water districts are available at

Cal Water encourages customers to remain vigilant in their conservation efforts, even though there have been some strong winter storms. The Governor’s Executive Order and Stage 2 of Cal Water’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan remain in effect, as the State and water suppliers cautiously monitor snowpack and water supply levels through the rest of the season.

Customers can find current water restrictions, information about conservation rebates and programs, and related resources at