Booster Pump Station Upgrade Completed in Redondo Beach
Cal Water’s Rancho Dominguez District completed a water infrastructure upgrade in southern Redondo Beach this week that will strengthen water system reliability and infrastructure resiliency for customers’ everyday needs and firefighters’ emergency needs.
The utility installed a new booster pump, which can transfer 750 gallons of water per minute throughout the area. This project will ensure the water system continues to function properly and delivers water to local customers anytime they need it. Crews also installed a new, 60-horsepower motor to ensure the pump’s optimal efficiency. The previous pump was 27 years old and replaced as it was coming to the end of its useful life.
“Proactive investments in our water system are an important part of our promise to deliver quality, service, and value to our Redondo Beach community, both now and for decades to come,” said District Manager Dan Armendariz. “Having reliable water flow will ensure our customers, businesses, and firefighters all have the water they need at their fingertips and when they need it most.”