Cal Water Alerts

Look for Leaks

Leaks can be sneaky, and even small leaks can quickly turn into big headaches. If left undetected for too long, they can be a major source of water waste and even drive up your water bill. Your home may be a victim to undetected indoor or outdoor leaks without your knowing, so it’s essential to look for them regularly.

While Cal Water fixes leaks in the water system leading up to your meter, it’s important for customers to identify and repair leaks leading from the meter to your home. We know it can be hard to locate some leaks, because they can occur in pipes, faucets, toilets, hoses, sprinkler systems, sprinkler timers, water softeners, and water filtration units, which you don’t always see. Don’t worry; Cal Water is here to help!

Dripping faucet
Leaky Sink

Look for Leaks: Indoors

Think you might have a leak inside your home? Here are some tips to check for and locate leaks around the house.

Indoor Leaks
Video: Look for Leaks: Outdoors

Look for Leaks: Outdoors

Think you might have a leak outside your home? Here are some tips to check for and locate leaks around your property.

Outdoor Leaks
Drought landscape

Drought-related Information

Despite heavy rainfall and atmospheric rivers, California needs daily water conservation due to long drought periods.

Drought Resources