To help maintain safe, clean, and reliable water service to our residential and business customers in all climates and seasons, Cal Water follows a set of drought severity stages to determine the level of water conservation and assess potential water-use restrictions.
The 6 stages of Drought:
Stage 1

When Stage 1 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by 10 percent.
- Residential and business customers are subject to water-use restrictions
- Outdoor irrigation is subject to limited times
- Leak repairs must be made in a timely manner
- Shut-off nozzles are required when using a hose to wash a car
- Outdoor watering is prohibited within 48 hours of rain
Stage 1 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $50 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators
Stage 2

When Stage 2 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by 20 percent
- Residential and business customers are subject to additional water-use restrictions
- Outdoor irrigation by residential and business customers is limited further to 1-3 days per week, depending on local ordinance
- Use of non-recirculating systems in all new conveyer car wash and commercial laundry systems are prohibited
- Use of single pass cooling systems in new connections is prohibited
Stage 2 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $100 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators
Stage 3

When Stage 3 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by 30 percent
- Residential and business customers are subject to additional water-use restrictions
- Water usage for construction and dust control is prohibited
- Irrigation of ornamental turf on public street medians is prohibited
- Filling ornamental lakes or ponds is prohibited
Stage 3 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $200 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators
Stage 4

When Stage 4 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by 40 percent
- Residential and business customers are subject to additional water-use restrictions
- Vehicle washing is prohibited, except with recirculated water or low-volume systems
- Use of water for recreational purposes, such as water parks, is prohibited
- Filling swimming pools is prohibited
Stage 4 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $400 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators
Stage 5

When Stage 5 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by 50 percent
- Residential and business customers are subject to additional water-use restrictions
- Net zero demand increase is required on new water service connections
- Single-pass cooling systems are prohibited
- Swimming pool covers are required
Stage 5 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $800 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators
Stage 6

When Stage 6 drought conditions are declared:
- We implement policies and guidelines for reducing water usage by more than 50 percent
- Residential and business customers are subject to additional water-use restrictions
- All landscape irrigation is prohibited
- New water service connections are prohibited
Stage 6 violators are subject to:
- Installation of water measurement devices
- Fines of up to $1,600 for subsequent violations
- Possible installation of a flow-restricting device for egregious violators

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