Cal Water Alerts

Los Altos Suburban
Los Altos Suburban Addresses and Hours
Address Hours
949 B Street Los Altos, CA 94024 Mon. to Fri.
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Contact us via email
District Manager
District Manager
Dawn Smithson

In-person service is not available at this location; however, our customer service representatives are happy to serve you by phone or email.

Main Contact After-Hours Contact
(650) 917-0152 (650) 917-0152

Los Altos Suburban News

Los Altos Suburban Resources

Cal Water’s Los Altos Suburban District

Serving Los Altos and portions of Cupertino, Los Altos Hills, Mountain View, and Sunnyvale

Cal Water’s Los Altos Suburban District was formed in 1931 with the purchase of the Los Altos Water Company. To meet the needs of our customers in Los Altos and parts of Los Altos Hills, Cupertino, Mountain View, and Sunnyvale, we use a combination of local groundwater and imported water. Our imported water, which is treated surface water purchased from the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), comes from SCVWD reservoirs and the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta. Our water system includes 297 miles of pipeline, 65 booster pumps, and 46 storage tanks. We proactively maintain and upgrade our facilities to ensure a reliable, high-quality supply.

Map Image

Closest Western Union Pay Stations

In addition to the locations listed below, you can also make a payment at any Western Union nationwide that offers its Quick Collect service.

Closest Western Union Pay Stations
Business Address City ZIP
Safeway #2814160 1st StLos Altos94022
Walgreens #7088303 2nd StLos Altos94022
Rite Aid #58862310 Homestead RdLos Altos94024
Rite Aid #58862310 Homestead RdLos Altos94024
Jennifer Joyeria1923 Latham StMountain View94040
La Plaza Market #240 S Rengstorff AveMountain View94040
Liquor And Food Mart2339 California StMountain View94040
Safeway #11081750 Miramonte AveMountain View94040
Safeway #2948645 San Antonio RdMountain View94040
Walgreens #139481905 W El Camino RealMountain View94040
Walgreens #689121 E El Camino RealMountain View94040
Walmart #002280600 Showers DrMountain View94040
Liquor & Food734 S Fair Oaks AveSunnyvale94086
408 Liquor1053 E El Camino Real Ste 1Sunnyvale94087
Galamart1193 W El Camino RealSunnyvale94087
Safeway #1196639 S Bernardo AveSunnyvale94087
Safeway #1439785 E El Camino RealSunnyvale94087
Safeway #2887150 E El Camino RealSunnyvale94087
Sneha's Gifts And Wine1175 E Homestead RdSunnyvale94087
Walgreens #33801306 S Mary AveSunnyvale94087
Walgreens #7080105 E El Camino RealSunnyvale94087
Rite Aid #596720572 Homestead RdCupertino95014
Rite Aid #596720572 Homestead RdCupertino95014
Safeway #325120620 Homestead RdCupertino95014
Walgreens #441620011 Bollinger RdCupertino95014

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I read my bill?

Cal Water's bills feature an easy-to-read account summary, usage history graph to help customers keep track of consumption, detailed description of charges, a place for important messages, and meter information.

A sample bill is below.
Sample bill page 1

1Account number: Your 10-digit account number, which you will keep even if you move to another location within our service areas (if you receive more than one bill from Cal Water, you will have more than one account number—contact our Customer Center at the phone number on your bill if you would like your bills combined)
2Billing date: Date your bill was printed
3Contact information: Your local Cal Water Customer Center
4Customer messages: Where important messages will appear
5Summary of your account information
6Prior balance: Previous balance; includes any unpaid balance; due upon receipt
7Payment received: Payments applied to your account since your last bill
8Current charges: Amount due from current billing period (flat or metered as applicable)
9Total amount due: Amount that you owe, including any unpaid previous balance (all bills due upon receipt and past due after 19 days)
10Additional customer messages
11Summary: Overview of your current bill, including the amount due
12Automatic Payment Service: Instructions for signing up to have your bill automatically paid each month from your checking account
13Portion of bill to return your payment (unless enrolled in automatic payment)
14Billing address: Address to which your bill is sent (this may be different than the service address)
How to read your water bill
Sample bill page 3
Customer messages: Where additional important messages will appear
16Service address: Address of service location
17Service dates: Beginning and end of the billing period for water service
18Service charge: Monthly charge based upon the size of your water meter (if applicable)
19Quantity charges: Measured in Ccf (hundred cubic feet) and separated by tier (if applicable)
20WRAM charges or credits: The Water Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (WRAM) is used so that Cal Water does not over- or under-collect fixed costs needed to operate the water system
21CPUC Fee: The California Public Utilities Commission’s fee to cover its oversight.
22Other charges and credits
23Public Purpose Program fees
24Subtotal for this service
25Drought water budget: Summary of your current usage as it compares to your water budget
26Water services detail: Graph of your consumption history for the past 13 months
27Meter and reading information: Details of when your meter was read and what the reading was
28Additional services detail: Insurance and other optional services, or city services
How to read your water bill continued

What forms of payment does Cal Water accept?

You can pay your Cal Water bill with cash, a check, a money order, a credit card, a debit card, or bank account. However, available payment options vary depending on the payment location or method. For more detail, see the Payment Options page.

What is the Customer Assistance Program (CAP)?

Cal Water offers a Customer Assistance Program (CAP — formerly LIRA) to customers who meet income guidelines. Qualifying customers receive a discount on their monthly service charge. You can visit the CAP page to see if you qualify and download an application form. If you live in a single-family residence, you can also apply online.

What should I do if my bill seems higher than usual?

See the High Bills page for more information and suggestions.

How do I turn off the water supply to my house in the event of a break in my plumbing or a repair?

You can interrupt the flow of water to your home by turning off your house valve. House valves are usually located beneath a faucet outside the home, most typically near the faucet for the garden hose. If you cannot find your house valve, please contact your local Customer Center for assistance.

Payment Mailing Address

California Water Service
P.O. Box 7229

San Francisco, CA 94120-7229

Automated Payment Number

(888) 598-9824