Cal Water Alerts

Rancho Dominguez

In Rancho Dominguez, Cal Water is continuously modernizing and upgrading our water system to provide safe, clean, reliable drinking water for our customers.

Learn more about how Cal Water’s Infrastructure Improvement Plan impacts Rancho Dominguez customers.

IIP and You

How Rates Are Set

Understanding the Infrastructure Improvement Plan and rate review process

Cal Water’s rates are set by an independent, third party, state agency—the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)—with input from the public. We are required to file a new application every three years, so that rates reflect the actual cost of operating, maintaining, and upgrading our water system to provide safe, clean, reliable drinking water to our customers.

Any changes to customer bills as a result of this Infrastructure Improvement Plan would not occur until January 2026 at the earliest.

Click on the below customer profiles to see example bill effects. These figures represent bill effect in 2026 for a residential customer with a 5/8″ x 3/4″ meter, based on rates in effect July 2024.

Median Water Use

Customers using the median amount of water per month of 5,236 gallons, or 7 Ccf, would see a bill decrease of 34 cents per month.

CAP Enrollees

Customers enrolled in our Customer Assistance Program and using the median amount of water per month of 5,236 gallons, or 7 Ccf, would see a bill increase of 10 cents per day.

Higher Water Use

Customers using 8,228 gallons, or 11 Ccf, of water per month would see a bill decrease of 10 cents per day.

Learn How Rates Are Set

IIP Planning

Where Each Dollar Goes?

water droplet

44% Water Production

Icon 4

31% Capital improvements

Beaker icon

12% Centralized services

(Water quality, Engineering, etc.)

fix icon

7% Local water professionals

(Pump operators, Utility workers, etc.)


4% Other operations & maintenance

leaf icon

2% Conservation Programs

Future Upgrades

  • Replace 8,861 feet of water main to prevent failure of aging and high-risk pipelines
  • Improve existing surface water treatment facility to provide safe, clean water
Water Supply
  • Retrofit storage tanks
  • Install emergency intertie with adjacent water system to deliver reliable water supply

2024 Infrastructure Improvement Plan Priority Areas

Our highest priority is to provide safe, clean, reliable water to our customers. This requires a proactive commitment to infrastructure investment and water quality treatment and testing. These rate adjustments for 2026-2028 will fund critical water infrastructure projects, such as new pipes, treatment facilities, pumps, and fire hydrants, plus improve water supply and storage.

See Future Improvements
Focus on Water Quality

We focus relentlessly on water quality. Our water quality experts conduct more than 500,000 water quality tests per year for more than 300 contaminants in our state-certified, state-of-the-art laboratory. On average, that’s more than 1,000 tests per day.

Making Communities Safer

From improving wildfire protection and emergency preparedness to proactively addressing the impacts of climate change, our ongoing maintenance and upgrades help make our communities safer.

Fixing Small Problems 

Our ongoing upgrades and maintenance help prevent small, manageable problems from becoming bigger and more expensive to fix. Even with our strong record of system upgrades, delivery of safe, clean tap water, and commitment to exceptional customer service, our customers pay about a penny per gallon.

Group Participation

Public Participation Hearings

As part of the review process, the CPUC will hold public participation hearings that serve as your opportunity for public input. Find upcoming, scheduled hearings.

Find Hearing Details and Schedule

IIP Resources

Cal Water has invested more in infrastructure upgrades in the last decade than any other regulated water provider in California.

Discover IIP Resources