To help our customers better understand the Infrastructure Improvement Plan process and our commitment to providing safe, clean, reliable water, we have put together this list of answers to common questions.
What is the Infrastructure Improvement Plan filing process?
Every three years, Cal Water is required to submit an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), an independent, third-party, state agency, to review and set our rates so they reflect the actual cost of serving our customers. This process, which takes 18 months or longer, involves a thorough review of operations, finances, and service, along with proposed infrastructure improvement projects across all Cal Water service areas that will enable us to continue providing safe, clean, and reliable drinking water. For more information, please watch the below video.
How are water rates set?
Cal Water’s rates are set by the CPUC, with input from the public and an independent consumer advocate. The rates reflect the actual cost of operating, maintaining, and upgrading our water system to provide safe, clean, reliable drinking water to our customers. For more information on the rate-setting process, please see the How Rates Are Set page.
When do rate changes go into effect?
We submitted our current Infrastructure Improvement Plan in July 2024, which begins a review and rate-setting process that lasts 18 months or more. New rates from this Infrastructure Improvement Plan will not be effective until 2026 at the earliest.
Where does the money from our rates go?
Rate adjustments are used for necessary infrastructure improvements and modernizations to ensure our customers’ drinking water remains safe, clean, and reliable for their everyday and emergency needs, both now and in the future. This includes completing water quality projects, improving wildfire protection and emergency preparedness, and enhancing water supply reliability and fire protection across our service areas, such as water main replacements, water treatment facility upgrades, and installation of new fire hydrants.
Visit the page for your district for more information on proposed projects and the impact in your local community.
What if I have questions?
For more information on the proposed improvements in your area, please visit our district pages for information specific to your community.
How can I save money on my water bill?
Cal Water is focused not only on providing safe, clean, reliable drinking water to our customers, but also on the affordability of that water. We offer several customer assistance programs to help customers manage their bills. See the Customer Assistance page for more information.
We also have a number of water conservation programs in place to help customers save water and money. You can learn more about our conservation programs on the conservation page.

In Your District
Cal Water has localized Infrastructure Improvement Plans for each service area. View your districts Infrastructure Improvement Plans.
Discover Infrastructure Plan
Public Hearings
The CPUC will hold public participation hearings that serve as your opportunity for public input. Find upcoming, scheduled hearings.
Find Hearing Details and Schedule
Previous IIP
Cal Water has invested more in infrastructure upgrades in the last decade than any other regulated water provider in California.
Previous IIP