Cal Water Alerts

RPV Community Update Newsletter, October 10, 2023
RPV Community Update Center, October 10, 2023

Acoustic Monitoring

Crew member performing acoustic monitoring

We recently deployed a leak-detection sensors that “listen” for potentially unsurfaced leaks during period of low water use, along with pressure monitors placed in various locations to check for shifts in water pressure that could indicate a leak. As a third layer of monitoring, technicians are manually surveying our infrastructure with listening devices for unsurfaced leaks. Thus far, we have found no evidence of any unsurfaced leaks.

We plan to install additional sensors and pressure monitors throughout the area in the future.

Upcoming Infrastructure Projects

We have completed the design of temporary, above-ground pipes to be installed at Dauntless and Exultant Drives in the Seaview neighborhood to reduce the likelihood of future water main leaks. Upon receiving necessary approvals and materials, we will begin installation, which we anticipate to begin in early November.

Additionally, we have a contractor conducting a topographic survey of parts of the Seaview neighborhood. This is part of our design assessment for evaluating additional water main replacements in this area.

In Portuguese Bend, we will be replacing 7,000 feet of smaller diameter water main along Narcissa Drive with approximately 9,500 feet of 8-inch, flexible main. Most of this main is expected to be installed above-ground. About 1,500 feet of the new main will be installed along a portion of the street that currently does not have existing pipeline to improve resiliency. We are currently in the design phase of this project.

Crews in the Area

Crew member working on pipe in the street

We currently have an employee stationed in the slide-prone area 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, so we can respond to and investigate possible leaks faster. We also have crews walking along our pipeline path along the Burma Trail each weekday to look for any unusual signs of water.

For your safety, we ask that residents avoid active work zones as indicated by cones, caution tape, or other markers when our crews are performing construction or repairs.

Status updates on reported leaks

On our Ranchos Palos Verdes Community Update Center information hub, we are posting reported leaks within the city and their status. These reports will remain on the page for 48 hours after the matter is resolved or closed.

Cal Water truck in Palos Verdes

RPV Community Update Center

Cal Water is addressing increased water main leaks in Rancho Palos Verdes due to ground movement by implementing both immediate and long-term solutions.

Community Update Center
Person looking at phone

RPV Community Update Newsletters

Cal Water’s newsletters update Rancho Palos Verdes residents on responses to increased land movement.

Community Update Newsletter
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