Cal Water Alerts

Sunnyvale Infrastructure Upgrade Nears Completion

Cal Water is nearing completion of a water infrastructure upgrade that will benefit water supply reliability and fire protection in Sunnyvale.

Cal Water crews are working to finish installation of the final 1,560 feet of the 4,430 feet of new water main. Currently, crews are working on Eleanor Way, having completed installation of the first 2,870 feet of water main on S. Wolfe Road last year.

“Infrastructure improvements like these help Cal Water maintain a reliable water supply for both everyday and emergency needs and enable us to keep providing quality, service, and value to our customers,” said Dawn Smithson, Los Altos Suburban District Manager.

Work continues on Eleanor Way Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and is expected to be completed in March. Temporary asphalt will be applied until permanent paving is completed, which can be up to 30 days after project completion. Paving will begin in mid-February.

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