Infrastructure Project Completed in Bakersfield
Cal Water completed a water main replacement project last week in the eastern part of Bakersfield. The project will strengthen water system reliability and infrastructure resiliency for customers’ and businesses’ everyday needs and firefighters’ emergency needs.
The project included the installation of 3,740 feet of new 8-inch PVC water main, four replaced fire hydrants, and 22 individual customer reconnections. Installation took place on Haley Street, between East California Avenue and Truxtun Avenue, and on Dolores Street, between Haley Street and Miller Street.
“Cal Water is committed to delivering a reliable supply of safe, high-quality water to Bakersfield residents and businesses, both now and for generations to come. This proactive investment is an example of our promise to deliver quality, service, and value to customers,” said District Manager Tammy Johnson. “The upgraded infrastructure will also improve water access for first responders so they can better protect the community in an emergency.”